Press Release

Press Contacts:
Stephen Mitchell
V.P., Worldwide Field Operations
Starlight Networks, Inc.

For Immediate Release

Mary Lindsay
Lindsay PR

Starlight Networks and Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Announce Joint Development and Reseller Agreements

Mountain View, Calif., October 2, 1995 -- Starlight Networks and Mitsubishi Electric Corporation announce an agreement establishing Mitsubishi as a reseller of Starlight's multimedia networking software solutions in Japan, as well as a joint development agreement to collaborate on video server solutions. Assisting Starlight and Mitsubishi in this relationship is Starlight Networks' authorized partner, Inno Micro Corporation. The agreement with Mitsubishi expands Starlight's presence in Japan, which currently includes relationships with Fujitsu, NEC, Ryoyo Electro Corporation, and Aisys Corporation.
Starlight's StarWorks® multimedia networking software will run on Mitsubishi's Apricot series platforms, enabling the Mitsubishi systems as video servers for networked video-on-demand applications. The availability of StarWorks for its platforms will give Mitsubishi a video server supporting the delivery of full-motion, full-frame video, supporting all of the popular video compression formats over customers' existing client/server networks. Mitsubishi is identifying a number of application areas for its multimedia system, including corporate uses, for news distribution, conferencing, plant control, training, marketing, public information kiosks, education, etc.
"We are particularly happy to be working with Mitsubishi, especially since they are focused on providing client/server video-on-demand solutions for the industrial market, for such applications as factory control and others. Our work in supporting Mitsubishi will extend the functionality of our current product line and give us additional features that we can pass on to all of our customers," said Jim Long, president of Starlight Networks. "We are very pleased to have an opportunity to work with one of Japan's largest electronic companies."

About Starlight Networks

Starlight Networks is the leader in providing multimedia services over enterprise networks with its StarWorks® and StarWare® multimedia networking server software products. StarWorks and StarWare provide multimedia storage management and network delivery management functions to ensure reliable delivery of video and audio to the desktop over today's networks, including 10BaseT, 100VG, Fast Ethernet, Token-Ring, FDDI and ATM. StarWorks' open systems approach supports all of the popular video formats and network operating systems (such as LAN Manager, Banyan VINES, NFS, and NetWare) on PCs and Macintosh systems, as well as Sun Microsystems' SPARC-based Solaris 2.x operating environment. StarWare is a Novell NetWare-based video networking software solution.
Starlight Networks is located at 205 Ravendale Drive, Mountain View, CA 94043; phone 415/967-2774.

About Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

Mitsubishi Electric Corporation is a world leader in the manufacture and marketing of electrical and electronic products. The company concentrates on nine key growth areas: power and industrial systems; public use and building systems; electronic products and systems; information and communications systems; audiovisual and information systems; living environment systems; factory automation systems; automotive equipment; and semiconductors.
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation applies diverse technologies to actualize lasting contributions that help create a better world. Recent developments include the world's first heavy-ion accelerator for the treatment of cancer, the world's fastest passenger elevators and the world's largest infrared optical telescope.
Located in more than 30 countries around the globe, Mitsubishi's network of 106 affiliated companies is supported by continuous investment in research and development. The company nurtures progress in local communities through business activities that contribute to local needs and the protection of the environment. Mitsubishi Electric aims to be recognized as a company of excellence in the 21st Century and beyond.
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation's Head Office is located at Mitsubishi Denki Bldg., Marunought, Tokyo 100 Japan.


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